Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To Be Or Not To Be!

That is the Question!? The Lord gave me this title for my blog and also led to me to the book of James. A few months ago, my girls memorized James chapter 4 as part of "Bible class". (My girls are homeschooled for anyone who does not know.) It was actually pretty funny to listen to them quoting these scriptures, especially vs. 8: Wash your hands, you filthy sinners... I can't imagine my innocent girls refering to themselves as filthy sinners but the truth is they are- just like we all are! But as we get to an age of accountability, we learn we have CHOICES.
Do you have desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it- there's where the choice comes in...Are you going to fight and quarrel to get your way or are you going to trust God- to work it out? Vs.2 says, "You do not have b/c you do not ASK God" It's a choice to seek God regarding the matters of your life! And taken even further- it says "if you do ask, but ask with WRONG motives- (selfish motives) you will not receive... God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble people are thinking about God and how they can please Him! TO BE OR NOT TO BE? How can we be humble? By resisting the devil (vs.7) & SUBMITING to God. It's not easy but if we at least TRY and go to God with our lives- he will be near to us and help us! We want to be lifted up by Man & be noticed by others- but how much better is it to be noticed by God? Who else is there when your all alone? Who causes your boss to give you that raise? God is in control!!! God is the One who is in charge- NOT us!!! He is the only lawgiver and judge- NOT us! He is the Only one who is able to Save or to Destroy- NOT us! Vs. 14 says, " You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" Wow- Big stuff!!! We are given so much, what are you choosing to do with what you've been given? Are you making a difference by your sweet smile or patient attitude? Are you persevering through trials or are you bringing lots of others down with you because of your bad and "poor me" attitude? What is motivating you today? The Spirit of God that's inside of you or your flesh? It IS a battle and always will be! But my favorite pastor, George Sawyer, once taught me- that whichever dog you feed, is the one that's gonna grow! Wisdom comes from God & if you ask him ANYTHING today-out of a sincere heart, he will hear you! Choose TO BE a follower of Jesus- Or Choose Not TO BE a follower of Jesus- run your own show and see where that gets you...You will be empty- I guarantee it! Don't be deceived! Give him a chance today to RULE your heart and mind!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Some Things Never Change!

When you look at this picture does it give you the image of a good night's sleep? Last night, I borrowed my daughter Savannah's sleeping mask & I slept better than I have in centuries! I couldn't believe how well it worked for me & of course I had a harder time getting up this morning...I started thinking about my day and what I wanted to write in my blog & there it was lying on the bed right in front of me-The Mask! I realized that The Mask helped to keep what I wanted (obviously the light) out, which was a good thing! A lot of times we hear about people wearing "masks" and it's a negative thing. I think it boils down to knowing WHEN to wear the mask. It would not benefit me at all to wear that mask while I was awake or what about driving? -that actually could end up killing me! But to wear it at night to keep out what I don't want, works well. It also might be a good idea to put the mask on at times we need to keep garbage out- like at Blockbuster! We should research & know what we're looking for (a nice clean movie) ahead of time & go straight in and get it, instead of loittering (ha) and filling our minds with a bunch of sleezy junk!!! How many other examples could you think of where a mask would work wonders?! The Bible says in 2 Cor.4:18 To Fix our eyes NOT on what is seen but on what is unseen. (kinda like wearing a mask) For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. We get so caught up in what we see but these things have no lasting value- our looks change, our whereabouts change, our homes are depreciating...etc...But the Truth of God's WORD NEVER changes! His freedom doesn't either- it LASTS FOREVER! You may be saying, How could His freedom last forever? I'm saying His Word tells me it does, so no matter what I see- I am still FREE, no matter how I feel, I am still Free, no matter what I think or anyone else tells me, contrary to the Word of God, I AM STILL FREE!!! Halelujah, I'm getting excited right now- because in my spirit- I know I'm free. As christians, we can not allow anyone else to have any say when it comes to that- I don't care what kind of bad attitudes surround you- YOU are still free! Put that mask on & ignore it! You can still smile while wearing the mask...ha,ha! But Do me one favor!? Don't wear The Mask to hide my Jesus! Let him shine before men so they may see your good deeds & glorify our Father in Heaven! He is Worthy to be praised! Let's not judge others any longer- Let's focus on Wearing our Masks at the right time! We know our purpose- This World needs Hope and so do we! That Hope is found in Jesus Christ ALONE and nothing else. Take any opportunity you can, to SHINE!!! Loving others and Loving yourself is the best way to shine. The only way we're gonna get that Love is by spending time with the One who loves us more than anything. Let me remind you: His love is deep, and wide, and long and far and is available to you at any moment! His peace passes all understanding, His grace is sufficient! Can you trust in that today? Or will you forget by this afternoon or maybe 3 days from now? What does it take for us to be captured by His love? It is the ONLY thing I personally have had to hold on to in life! My childhood was extremely uncertain and unclear & gave me a rough start BUT He has been my guiding light & I'll tell you what- He's not finished with me yet! (No self help books could have rescued me from the Hell I endured) JESUS ALONE, DESERVES ALL THE CREDIT!!!!! Once you give your heart to someone-it's pretty hard to change that? If they don't have your heart- they'll know, because you'll leave them-We freely make that choice. In my opinion, there's no such thing as "falling out of love" either you never really loved them with your heart in the first place or selfishly you want something "better"? Is there anything "better" than Jesus? We will always make mistakes-but does your heart QUICKLY want to make things right with the Lover of your Soul? I encourage you to SEEK JESUS today to find out when you need to put that Mask on & when you need to take it off!!!???

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So, why are you still here?

You may be wondering why I titled this blog post-"So, why are you still here?" My sweet friend Kim Baker Schrandt died from breast cancer last Wednesday at the age of 35 (I believe)....I haven't spoken to Kim since college but I knew her. I knew her love for Jesus, her smile and love of life, her love of family and friends. She was a woman of faith and knew what she believed! She was the epitomy of health. Young & beautiful with 5 children. I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear the news....Although, I have another dear friend who I talk to quite often who spoke to Kim every day. Jodi would keep me up to date on Kim. Last summer Kim gave her testimony at her mother's church about how God had healed her from breast cancer. I believe she was diagnosed 2 years ago but didn't have any symptoms and just after the birth of her 5th child, she started getting sick and by the time she found out what it was, it was too late....Jodi told me of how Kim never even mentioned the cancer. She had faith in God and that was that!!! I admire Kim for her faith and her love for Jesus. She could've easily taken chemo or radiation and the result could've been the same,different, or she could've done what she did! She made a decision to trust God and put her faith in Him. She had the kind of relationship with Jesus Christ, that was a two way street...she would talk to him and He would speak to her! How many people just go through the motions and would not even think twice about going to the doctor. It might not even be a thought to believe for God's healing. Not even a question. Is our God a personal God that has a specific plan for our lives? Or do we even know Him or what He has for us personally! The day after Kim passed, I got a call from Jodi and we were believing for Kim, that God could even raise her from the dead! Not for our benefit, but for His! He wants the glory and the honor in everything we do! This topic is debatable-but life is not debatable. Do you feel good about the choices your making for Jesus Christ every day? If you came down with a disease that left you with no hope- what would you do? Is God in control? Do we trust that? What an unbelievable thing, to die knowing you were leaving this earth while putting 100% faith in Jesus Christ! Do you believe that if God wanted her to be here, she still would be?! We all have convictions-but do we live by them? Who am I to question your convictions-but if YOU don't live by your convictions, what are you living for? I want to be the type of person who lives by my convictions and those come from the Word of God. We all know right from wrong- but life is about more than that! We each have a purpose! As a christian, that purpose is HUGE-we never know how we will affect others for Jesus Christ by the way we live our lives....And Kim Baker has shown me that her love for Jesus was not a show- She loved him with her life! Thank You Kim!!!