Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas is the Best Time of the Year!

Merry Christmas Family & Friends!
First of all, we pray that ALL of you will have a healthy and happy Christmas! Every year we get another chance at this time to think about our Savior and how empty and lost we would be without Him! There are a million things we could share with you that are funny, heart-warming, charming, sad, exciting, frustrating, etc...etc....but those things happen on a daily basis and I'm sure you don't have time for 365 days worth of that! That being said, We had a GOOD year! We serve a GOOD GOD and we all have been healthy enough to enjoy everything He's given to us!
In a nutshell-Dave works long hours every day....leaves home by 5:30 and gets home by 5pm. I homeschool the girls: Savannah (5th), Makayla (3rd) and Ava Grace is in Pre-K. We start our day with devotions, prayer, worship, and memorizing chunks of scripture at a time...(honestly, this is my favorite part of the day) then we go on from there to their subjects.
We do Language Arts, Writing, & Math daily and History & Science 2 x a week. The girls are hard workers and it's amazing what they recall. We also do a lot of crafts and take field trips that are comparable to what we are studying. Friday is TEST day and they look forward to that b/c the day goes by quickest!!! We have homeschool friends that we hook up with from time to time.
The girls also take piano lessons and do recitals every 6 months. They play soccer-indoor & outdoor. We also do relay runs/races locally in our area. Its great exercise for them and fun for the whole family! :)
We have started a new church that we ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!! We are meeting lots of great people and the girls are finally meeting some new friends! Dave and I are learning alot in Sunday School and are getting involved! My Dad & I recently were in the Christmas performance together and it was a total blast! He did a wonderful job as "Mr. Franks" and we received many compliments! There were a total of almost 6,000 people in attendance-what an honor to be chosen to sing a duet! (not with my Dad) LOL! I LOVED IT!!!
We also had a wonderful year with our family business "SisterlyLoveDesigns". We traveled all over Georgia to fairs/festivals selling the girls' creations. They did pretty well monetarily and also learned alot of new skills!
This new year will be a year of pressing deeper into what God has for us- listening closer and acting faster! There are so many things that bring us joy on earth but OUR conviction is to be more concerned about what brings our Savior joy! Our Family is striving to be GOD pleasers MORE than man pleasers!!! We will not be compared to anyone when we stand before GOD we will only be accountable for our OWN life. I hope whoever you are reading this Christmas year end note- will realize there is a lot of work that needs to be done for the kingdom of God! Let's be committed to praying for one another and LOVING each other GREATER, BIGGER, STRONGER, MUCHER-(that's an AVA word) :) than ever before!!! If any of you ever need prayer-please let us know because we would love to pray for you! Looking forward to another GOOD year!

Be STILL & know that He IS God!
Merry Christmas- We love you!
The N. family