Friday, April 10, 2009


I had to say GREAT b/c it's better than GOOD. There actually are no words to describe what our Savior has done for us! It is so wonderful to be a christian and to know the Power of Jesus Christ! Power to save, heal, deliver & set free. I am so thankful for him and thankful to God for giving us Jesus! As women, we need to rely heavily on him to take care of us and meet our needs! He is waiting for us to come to him and get filled up! We go to so many other "places" when he is just a prayer away...I have been feeling like I am in a wilderness's the strangest thing. I know, it's at these times He wants me to come close to him and draw water from his well and drink from his cup...I am sooo thirsty and He does have what I need. He fills me up and gives me joy and takes me where I need to go next! I am led by His hand and I trust where He is leading me. I want my life & all that that encompasses to be directed by My Father, Savior, Best Friend, and Lover of my soul. He is worth talking about, loving on, studying, living for, etc....Whenever things happen that frustrate me like my children not obeying me right away, or my husband not giving me what I need or have asked for, or not "having it all" like I think I deserve, then I have to go to my Savior and share these things...No one can change someone else- I've learned that over the years by thinking I could change someone or "help" them. Only the HOLY SPIRIT can change a heart & I have to ask him on a continual basis to change mine! But He is able to do so! I'm so glad we don't have to stay the same and that miracles can happen. Even if it seems small like allowing Him to come in and make a change in our lives is actually a HUGE miracle! Thank you Jesus for dying and giving me a chance to have Eternal Life! I know in a small way what freedom is, but I'm glad that at least I'll have the chance to know TOTAL FREEDOM & PURE JOY when I get to heaven and get to see the love in your eyes....Thank you for taking care of everything that concerns me! You have been faithful to me above all else and I praise your name!!! You are the Way, the Truth, and Life and No one comes to the Father except through You! Have a GREAT, GOOD FRIDAY! Have a Happy Easter-decorating eggs, baking cookies, hanging out with family and friends, enjoying nice Spring weather and celebrating JESUS!