Monday, March 16, 2009

My Recent Trip to the Mountains of TN-Discovering Life!

What an awesome name of a church- Discover Life! I had the privilege of speaking at a ladies conference in Kingsport,TN. A friend of mine from Bible College invited me and I can't put into words what a BLESSING it was! I was able to share "In Order for Jesus to truly be #1 in our lives, The Lies Have Got to Go!" Us women struggle w/ believing lies every day. We need to be more mindful of what comes into our head & not so quick to allow it to stay and believe it as truth! If something is contrary to the Word of God- it's a lie...What lies are you believing today? Is it really doing you any good to believe those things? What God says about you is The only truth you need! He says he planned on you being here on the planet- he said he knows the number of hairs on your head- he said he came to give you life and life more abundantly-better than you could ever imagine! Are you settling or are you believing the TRUTH? I don't care what you struggle w/-anything can be overcome with God's power!!! I struggled my whole life w/ insecurities and fears that caused me to be bound, even as a is finally donning on me-to believe the truth!!! It will show up in your behavior and the way you "live" your life! I encourage you to do something you've never done before.....Have a little faith- it will get you a LONG way! It is the key that will unlock that door! :-) HAVE A FAITH-FILLED DAY! Be free in Jesus Name!