Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas is the Best Time of the Year!

Merry Christmas Family & Friends!
First of all, we pray that ALL of you will have a healthy and happy Christmas! Every year we get another chance at this time to think about our Savior and how empty and lost we would be without Him! There are a million things we could share with you that are funny, heart-warming, charming, sad, exciting, frustrating, etc...etc....but those things happen on a daily basis and I'm sure you don't have time for 365 days worth of that! That being said, We had a GOOD year! We serve a GOOD GOD and we all have been healthy enough to enjoy everything He's given to us!
In a nutshell-Dave works long hours every day....leaves home by 5:30 and gets home by 5pm. I homeschool the girls: Savannah (5th), Makayla (3rd) and Ava Grace is in Pre-K. We start our day with devotions, prayer, worship, and memorizing chunks of scripture at a time...(honestly, this is my favorite part of the day) then we go on from there to their subjects.
We do Language Arts, Writing, & Math daily and History & Science 2 x a week. The girls are hard workers and it's amazing what they recall. We also do a lot of crafts and take field trips that are comparable to what we are studying. Friday is TEST day and they look forward to that b/c the day goes by quickest!!! We have homeschool friends that we hook up with from time to time.
The girls also take piano lessons and do recitals every 6 months. They play soccer-indoor & outdoor. We also do relay runs/races locally in our area. Its great exercise for them and fun for the whole family! :)
We have started a new church that we ABSOLUTELY LOVE!!! We are meeting lots of great people and the girls are finally meeting some new friends! Dave and I are learning alot in Sunday School and are getting involved! My Dad & I recently were in the Christmas performance together and it was a total blast! He did a wonderful job as "Mr. Franks" and we received many compliments! There were a total of almost 6,000 people in attendance-what an honor to be chosen to sing a duet! (not with my Dad) LOL! I LOVED IT!!!
We also had a wonderful year with our family business "SisterlyLoveDesigns". We traveled all over Georgia to fairs/festivals selling the girls' creations. They did pretty well monetarily and also learned alot of new skills!
This new year will be a year of pressing deeper into what God has for us- listening closer and acting faster! There are so many things that bring us joy on earth but OUR conviction is to be more concerned about what brings our Savior joy! Our Family is striving to be GOD pleasers MORE than man pleasers!!! We will not be compared to anyone when we stand before GOD we will only be accountable for our OWN life. I hope whoever you are reading this Christmas year end note- will realize there is a lot of work that needs to be done for the kingdom of God! Let's be committed to praying for one another and LOVING each other GREATER, BIGGER, STRONGER, MUCHER-(that's an AVA word) :) than ever before!!! If any of you ever need prayer-please let us know because we would love to pray for you! Looking forward to another GOOD year!

Be STILL & know that He IS God!
Merry Christmas- We love you!
The N. family

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Where is Your Head?

The Bible says in Matthew 7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it." So what this is saying is there is some distinction between who will enter heaven and who will not. I thought anyone who called on the name of the Lord would be saved-so in my mind that means, those are on one track and those who don't are on the other track...
So why would any distinction need to be made about how wide or narrow the "tracks" were??? To be honest, I know it's pretty SIMPLE the plan that Jesus had for us! We didn't choose him(Adam & Eve), He chose us (sent His son to die) and then gave us a second chance through Jesus' Resurrection and all we have to do is confess our sins & our need for him & humbly accept His plan for us...It can't get any simpler than that!
So how do things get complicated? Well, there obviously is another force at work-that we struggle with on a daily basis. We make choices every day- whether they're thought out and planned, or spur of the moment with no thought. We even make choices based on what other's would want us to do....
The reason I'm talking about this today is because I want to remind you that you are not aimlessly and nonchalantly going through this life without making choices for whatever reason... You ARE making choices every day! Have you ever thought about Why? Why are you doing what you're doing? WHY???? What is the purpose or point? I think you should examine all of the things that really "count" in your life and ask yourself WHY???? Some things you will see are motivated by fear, others by love...most by selfish reasons, some by selfless but what are you doing for Jesus Christ?
If you truly Love Jesus Christ then you will be doing anything you can to be close to him and stay close to him on a daily basis! You will be seeking Him first and His kingdom! You will be shining His light for others to see...You will be giving to the poor and helping widows and orphans. You will have FAITH in a Savior you can't see and your faith, although at times may become weak, will not cease because you are CONVINCED of his faithfulness-b/c you have put Him to the test and He has proved Himself to be TRUE to you!
You will sacrifice ANYTHING for Him! You will give up anything- just to be like Him and to be accepted by Him. You will fear Him and reverence Him and out of humility do WHATEVER he tells you to do! You might even "be hated by all because of His name, but it is the one who endures to the end who will be saved" Matt. 10:22
Is this the salvation that you have? The kind that will last throughout to THE END??? Or is it the kind of salvation that makes you look good in front of your pastor at church on Sundays-but not on Friday nights? Is it the kind of salvation that comes through when you need him- like when you got out of a court sentence when you thought you were gonna "really get it"- or is it the kind of salvation that works because it's your "occupation"....
I don't know what kind of salvation you think you have BUT when God truly saves a person-YOU ARE NO LONGER THE SAME!!!!! 2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature; the old things have passed away, behold-NEW things have come" You have accepted the forgiveness of your sins being paid-Old value systems, priorities, beliefs, loves, and plans are GONE!!! Evil and sin is still a threat BUT you see it, in a different light! THEY NO LONGER CONTROL YOU!!!
This transformation is a faith that produces works and You are no longer the same!!! I encourage you to SCREW YOUR HEAD ON STRAIGHT today!!! Give some thought today to WHY you're doing what you're doing and if your head and your heart are not in the same place- make whatever changes you have to make in order to please your Heavenly Father who loves you more than you could ever imagine! Who are we to think we have an automatic "pass" because we have memorized 5 Bible verses and accepted Jesus as our Savior as a child, and talk to him when all of a sudden we "need" him???? What kind of relationship is that?
He tells us what is GOOD enough for HIM and what He expects from US! We need to know for ourselves-by reading His words to us! We may get away with a lot of "laziness" from people- BUT that same laziness may keep us out of Heaven! Have you ever thought about that? He's looking straight into our hearts & He is a HOLY GOD- THE ONE and ONLY!!!! The road is narrow, my friend! His GRACE and MERCY are for those on the narrow road-Everything He has is for HIS children-not for Everyone! He chooses and so do we!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Rest is Still Unwritten

It gives me so much pleasure to write a blog once a week. I am considering writing more because I enjoy it so much! The title "The Rest is Still Unwritten" also gives me pleasure and hope. What about you? Do you feel like there is so much ahead of you, that you can't even imagine what God has in store for you or how He's going to use your life to be a blessing to others?
What would "the rest" say? What do you want it to say? The only way it's going to happen is if you have a plan or desire. God will take your life and work out all the details if you know which direction your headed. That's the hard part sometimes. We have to start in 1 direction and continue on that course. If we're all over the place, how can we see results or "fruit" of what we're doing?
God wants to accomplish GREAT and MIGHTY works through YOU! He said in His word that He is faithful to complete the work He started in YOU! What did He start in you? Do you ever remember a time, where you felt "called" or led to do something? What is it that fills your heart so full of emotion? Is it a certain cause, is it teaching, or music? Whatever it is, THAT is what you need to be doing for God!
The cry of my heart is to worship my Savior with my life! There are so many things I enjoy...but for me personally-it's always been so strong to tell people about Jesus and to make sure that I can share the truth of God's love, so people can escape Hell. I don't ever want to think about anyone that I've known, that has passed away and have any regrets that I didn't talk to them about Jesus!
He is the WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. His word is Life and it has KEPT me. We need to hide ourselves in The Word of God. His word is so powerful and we don't give it enough credit! If we could allow the Words of God to touch our lives-our minds, our emotions, etc...then we could write "our story" the way we wanted to. We would believe that we are stronger and more powerful than we think we are.
The Bible says, "The same spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us." God is the one who has our destiny in His hands, so His Will will come to pass, no matter what! Do you choose to work with your Savior today to have his Greatest plans accomplished through you? Open your eyes and your hearts to Him. I encourage you to read His story and know that He is with you and you don't have to face ANY circumstance alone. You know what will make our "stories" so wonderful? Simply, Jesus!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An Old Friend

I don't have a lot of time this morning, but I want to make my point short and sweet! Just recently, since I've found facebook, I've had the opportunity to get in touch with a bunch of friends that were once pretty dear to me! Just yesterday, one of those friends, was so kind as to ask me, how I was doing in light of all the flooding here in Georgia. She told me she was thinking about me and praying for us...I told her the weather was getting better but I wasn't so sure God was hearing her prayers...Obviously, that wasn't something she was expecting me to say. And I know she felt hurt by that statement. However, that wasn't my intention. My intention is always to speak the truth and most of the time, I've found that's not what people want to hear... See, this girl was one of my friends from my Christian High School. Her Dad was a pastor and she knows the truth of God's word. Now, she is a lesbian and because she is getting LOVED the way she desires, she thinks somehow God should be happy for her and can overlook her sin. My heart breaks for her and I told her that "With GOD ALL things are possible" and that I would not stop praying for her. Our conversation ended on a good note and I know she knows that I truly care about her!!! Anyway, that sparked me to take out my Bible and look up verses on this subject. Does God hear the prayers of sinners or not? I know there have been plenty of times in my life, when I was not close to God and actually had a rebellious heart toward Him. At that time, I felt like anything could've happened to me because I wasn't under his protection. I was out on my own, doing things MY way. I always felt unsettled though, because I knew the truth in my heart. Jesus wanted ALL of me or NONE of me...He never wants luke warm christians but we have to decide when we're ready to surrender to Him. Here are some of the verses I found: (quite a few)
"For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, And his ears unto their supplication: But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil. " (1Peter 3:12, KJV) "He (any man) that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, Even his prayer is an abomination." (Proverbs 28:9, KJV)
"When terror strikes you like a storm and your calamity comes like a whirlwind, when distress and anguish come upon you, Then they (people) will call upon me, but I will not answer; they will seek me diligently but will not find me. " (Proverbs 1:27-28, ASV)
"Because I have called (people) and you refused to listen, have stretched out my hand and no one has heeded. " (Proverbs 1:24, KJV)
"Because they (people) hated knowledge and did not choose the fear of the LORD." (Proverbs 1:24, KJV)
""Surely God will not hear an empty cry, neither will the Almighty regard it. " (Job 35:13, ASV)
Thee following verses describe the results of not listening to God and obeying His laws and commandments.
"Because you have ignored all my counsel and would have none of my reproof. I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when terror strikes you, . . . therefore they shall eat the fruit of their way, and have their fill of their own devices." (Proverbs 1:25-26, 31, ASV)
"Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts." (James 4:3, ASV)
"As it is written in the law of Moses, all this evil is come upon us: yet made we not our prayer before the LORD our God, that we might turn from our iniquities, and understand thy truth. Therefore hath the LORD watched upon the evil, and brought it upon us: for the LORD our God is righteous in all his works which he doeth: for we obeyed not his voice." (Daniel 9:13-14, ASV)
Yet God shows mercy to thousands who call on his name for his ways are right:
"For thou, Lord, art good, and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon thee. " (Psalms 86:5, ASV)
Let's take a look at King David's example:
"Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications. In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou (GOD) wilt answer me. " (Psalms 86:6-7, KJV)
God also says:
"For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. " (Isaiah 66:2, KJV)
How can we tremble at His word and what does that mean? Paul says, "But declared both to them of Damascus first and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the country of Judaea, and also to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, doing works worthy of repentance. " (Acts 26:20, ASV)
"Works of repentance" means to change our ways to God's ways. When God sees someone who is truly sincere He listens to them and will answer their prayers:
"And Peter said to them, 'Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (through which God helps us). For the promise (of helping us) is for you and your children, and for all those who are far off, as many as the Lord shall call unto Himself.' " (Acts 2:38-39, ASV)
Christ said:
"I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance. (meaning to change one's life)." (Luke 5:32, ASV)
"Even so, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." (Luke 15:10, ASV)
And when one changes their life and listens to God and begins to do the things which God requires of us, all for our own good, THEN God hears us and answers us!
Anyone can find themselves at a time in their life where God does not hear them. However, we can be heard and have our prayers answered when we pray in the right frame of mind. We need to become submissive to God and choose his ways which reap good results in our life rather than continue in the wrong ways of living which bring on disastrous results. When we "get right with God" He provides us with confidence, hope and assurance that He will hear and answer our prayers, and provides us the answers and help us to live a better way of life.
"And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. And if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the requests that we have asked of him. " (1John 5:14-15, ASV)
" Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, that will I do. If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments. " (John 14:11, 13-15, ASV)
And finally,
"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth unto his own flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth unto the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap eternal life. " (Galatians 6:7-8, ASV)
"We know that God heareth not sinners: but if any man be a worshipper of God, and do his will, him he heareth. " (John 9:31, ASV)
God loves each and every human being. In the book of Revelation Chapter 3 God says,
"As many as I love I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore and repent. Behold I stand at the door and knock . . . " (Revelation 3:19-20, ASV)

Why is it as soon as we start reading Bible verses, something inside us wants to hurry up and get it over with? Our flesh is turned off to the Word of God- We want to be entertained and not have to deal with truth! But it's strange because we need that truth so desperately...We seek for love in so many places but TRUE love comes from Jesus Christ! His love is pure and not based on any conditions. It washes us and forgives us of all of our sins and no one or nothing else can give that to us!!!

We need to constantly be in prayer everyday, for wisdom, to stand against Satan and his deception! He is the Father of Lies and there is NO TRUTH found in Him... What does it take for you to look at yourself honestly? Are you giving your best to Jesus today? Have you dealt with all the crud in your life and realized there's nothing you can do about it!? Only Jesus can deal with it and forgive it! His Love is Amazing!

One last thing, on Sunday I used some cheap hairspray and it was like 90% water and 10% hairspray- it was pathetic! After a couple sprays, I realized it was not working so I just had to throw it in the trash-even though it was brand new....And I thought, that's how it can be as a christian too. I can call myself a christian or "hairspray" in this case, but if I don't really do the job (live obediently according to the Word of God) then I'm worthless and I might as well be thrown in the trash(like the hairspray)-because I am of no use!!!

The Lord opened my eyes to see that analogy. He wants us to know we are useful when we are living the life He expects us to live accoring to His Word. Apart from Him, we are nothing! The only good in me is Jesus!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I don't want to be!

I don't need to be anything other than an Auto worker's daughter or a drug addict's baby girl! I don't have to be anyone other than flesh and spirit joined as one.

Part of where I'm going, is knowing where I'm coming from!!!

I don't wanna be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately...All I have to do is THINK OF ME & have peace of mind...I'm the kind of girl who wants to please the Lord and take care of this vessel he's given me!
I don't want to be anything other than me!
I'm surrounded by liars and imposters every where I turn...I'm surrounded by a Vanity Crisis, everywhere I turn...Am I the only one whose noticed... I can't be the only one whose learned?
I'm tired of looking round rooms, wondering what I've got to do, & who I'm supposed to be, I don't want to be anything Other than ME...

Can I have everyone's attention please??? If your not like "this and that", your gonna have to leave.... I came from the mountain-the crust of whole situation's made of clay turned stone and now I'm telling everybody-

I don't have to be anything other than what I've been created to be baby.. All I'm asking for is a little respect- if you could be so kind? I'm tired of trying to please you-whoever "you're" supposed to be. All I want to do is to BE FREE!!!

I know My Creator, My life's in His hands-He said He'd never leave me~
On that I take my stand!!! I don't want to be a dreams through other's plan
I will take my testimony all throughout the land cuz'...
I don't want to be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately...All I have to do is THINK OF ME and have peace of mind.
I'm the kind of girl who wants to please the Lord and take care of this vessel He's given me, I don't want to be anything other than ME!!!!

This is taken from the song "I don't want to be" by Gavin Degraw...I "tweaked" it a little! :-)
I hope you like the way I rearranged this song, becaue I believe there are gals out there just like I was, who are looking all around for "approval" when I had it the whole time from my Savior!!!
What He wants us to be-is HIS-When you think about all the efforts and enegy you've put into serving Jesus Christ and choosing Him every day- Can you see how it's paid off? Sometimes, we don't have any energy and feel like we have nothing to give, but we're still HIS- & HIS grace STILL pays off...It's usually when we try and run our own show or try to do things "someone" else's way...that we mess up!!! Or when we continue to look for love in all the wrong places... He will lead you today through His Word-start there- that is where and how He will speak to you!
And remember what Jesus Christ says about you TRUMPS every other opinion and that is...You were Made 2 Love!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

No Matter How Old I Get, My Brother Is Still 2 Years Younger Than Me!

I wanted to dedicate this blog to my little brother, Chad! Tomorrow is his birthday, so I wanted to take a minute and tell him how much he means to me! It's not very often in life that we find people that we share alot in common with-& I didn't have to go far to "find" him...but I'm soooo glad God chose to give him to me! We have shared an unbelievable past together and both have realized how faithful God has been to us! I can remember how sweet and innocent Chad was as a child. It was like he was so carefree and happy. I always wanted to do my best to love him, set a good example for him, and protect him! As we got older and he kept growing, and growing, and growing....I realized he didn't need too much "protection" from me any more, and it became more like he was my "protector"! Ha!

Chad is the type of brother who always wants to make sure everyone is doing well & he deeply cares and is concerned about his family! I know if I needed anything- he'd be there for me in a second & vice-versa. God has put a passion and sense of purpose inside of Him and when we were younger, things didn't make a whole lot of sense...BUT God made sense of it...and He has used the weak places in our lives to make us Strong. Because when we are weak, He is strong!

Looking back, I can see how being mistreated as a child can make a person angry...And to be honest, for many years my brother & I were angry. Chad had basketball as an outlet-Thank God! and I didn't know what to do with my anger, so I turned it inward....which I found out was called depression. Everyone does their best to live their lives, but when children don't have stable parents to lean back's pretty unsettling for the kids. All parents say their doing their best-but what does that really mean? The only hope we had for a decent future was Jesus Christ!

So what do you do with an Extreme childhood? You go out and make the most of what God has given you- use your height (build), talents, and heart to pursue God's plan for your life. You don't care what anyone else is doing or says or what you "haven't" been given but you give whatever you DO have to help others. You spend countless hours on the phone, speaking to pastors, setting up opportunities to share Christ with teenagers who you know desperately NEED him. You take time to listen and respond to emails from kids who are hurting, just like you were. You become the parent you always wanted to have...You give your children endless opportunities, and get involved in their lives and care about what THEY care about! You don't rely on excuses to say, but "I'm just doing the best I can" actually ARE doing the BEST you can, with whatever limited insight you've been given..:-)

As far as the anger goes, it has been a process, but I can see how both of us have grown!!! There is freedom in Jesus Christ and that's why He's been our Only hope! The more time you spend with Him, the less you want any "junk" in your life!

My brother is one of my hero's. And that says a lot because other than Jesus, I don't have too many! There have been a few Key people who have let me down...unfortunately- but He's not one of them! I understand love better, because of the gift God has given me in my brother!

Thanks Chad for being so LOVING! You are Wonderful & I appreciate you to the core!

Happy Birthday!!!

Your Sis, Wendy

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This One's for the Girl!

If you're anything like me, then your one NEEDY girl! It seems like for me to feel REALLY good-I need smiles, pats on the back, lots of conversation, and encouragement. There could never be enough of that, in my opinion. But reality sets in, and if I take a look around, normally,I don't see people lined up waiting to do all these things for me! BUT the coolest thing in the world is I have a Savior, who at any minute is waiting to smile down on me, speak to me (through his word) and encourage me! All I have to do is take the time to include him in my day & some days that's pretty tough b/c I can't see Him, so sometimes I forget Him!
Ephesians 3:16-19 says, "I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord's people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God."
The only way, we can grasp God's love is to give Him a chance to give it to us! He wants to spend time with us and hear about our problems, our successes, and anything else we choose to tell him. He sees everything anyway-but for us to take the time and seek Him and share ourselves with Him, is quite another story!
I remember when I was younger I would make a mistake and feel so ashamed and deliberately not talk to God because I didn't want to ENCOUNTER Him. I didn't realize at that time, that He still Loved me even then!
I don't know 1 person who has it all together...The best people I know are the ones who acknowledge their sin, go to God quickly and repent, and BELIEVE and have faith that He has the power to help them change!
God doesn't change- He's ALWAYS good! We are the ones, who may not get it perfectly the first few times, but if we keep trying, we will win! It's not on His end of things, it's on Ours! What are we choosing to do....It's easy to give in to sin and give up on ourselves??? But does that really sound like a good plan?
It boils down to surrendering....It's something all of us girls want to do! We want to surrender our hearts to someone. Isn't that right? We will look high and low until we find that "perfect" one to bare our souls...The only problem is, one day he might not be as interested, he may get a new toy, or work may be more important, or football games, etc...
We have to get our needs met through Jesus Christ! That's what we were created for....HIM! He did create Eve for Adam but he created (mankind) for Himself! Please don't sell yourself short- NO ONE can love you more than Jesus!
Open your heart up to him today & let Him love you! Eric Champion wrote a song a long time ago and the lyrics were "if you only knew, what was waiting for you, I could not keep you, from breaking down my door...I gave my very life, so we could be together...I need to talk, don't you think you owe me just a little bit of time, but if you never think enough to hear my call-can't you hear me? Wont you hear me?, calling you?"
He wants you....right now....just the way you are! Changes in your life will come, you just have to give him a chance!

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Pictures to Come!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Life's a Dance!

Good Wednesday Morning! How many of you are already dancing this morning? It just puts a smile on my face to think about all the wonderful opportunities God gives us every day to enjoy! My heart is so full of love for life and for my Savior! It is such a blessing to be a christian! I am thankful that I can get wisdom every day to start out my day & can spend time talking to the One who is in control but who also is my best friend!
I used to have a "victim" mentality and spent so much time wondering why so many bad things always seemed to happen to "me"... I look back and see how one-sided that view was-(and it was definitely not coming from the Lord's side) I felt like I was so alone and that everybody had it BETTER than me!
Over the years, I now realize that so much of life is really in HOW we look at it! Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever- He never changes! That's 1 constant that's good to know. I just had to believe what His word said. I knew it, in my head but I needed it to go deeper into my heart.
Once you get it though and you realize that HIS best is not for everyone else but for YOU- that is a huge difference! I don't feel guilt any longer like I used to- I feel very thankful and grateful and that I DO deserve HIS love and His blessings. He is for me and not against me! He is building me up to do greater things than I ever could imagine!
If we can just take some time and BELIEVE what He says- He will increase our faith and we will begin to see Him do amazing things that we've never seen before! He can take what little that we have and do something with whatever we give Him! The point is, that we're giving it to Him!
What is it you can give him TODAY? Some time, a talent, giving of your money to help someone in need, calling someone & encouraging them, your faith, your courage....Can you take 1 second and think about what you could give today?
I love that song, "Life's a dance"... It says, "sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow, don't worry about what you don't know, life's a dance, you learn as you go" It kind of takes the pressure off- doesn't it? It's kind of cool though, for me to think of my Savior as the dance instructor- that way I don't have to dance aimlessly and not know what I'm doing! ha,ha! Toodles!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Make It Count!

Don't really have a lot of time today...Of course there are errands to run, house to clean, children to attend to, and so on and so forth! I love the life God has given me! What about you? I am so thankful for his many blessings! Can you count your's? Yesterday I saw a video on Youtube that really stirred me though. It made me realize that I need to be praying more often and actually that time in prayer will cause me to become more anguished for this country, my family, and friends. It's funny how spending time in prayer seems like such a huge task, so I put it off for whatever reason, but once I do start praying, I usually don't want to quit! Do you agree? I encourage you today to MAKE time to talk to God and enjoy Him! He enjoys YOU! Gotta run...
Hebrews 4:16 So let us come boldly to our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and find favor in our time of need.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wii, That Was Fun!

Have you ever wondered how you could be such an Awesome Athlete on your Wii, but in real life you suck at Tennis? (I don't usually use the word*suck*) but I want to make the distinction! I love the Wii- we play it with our kids quite a bit and it's a blast- I can really knock the ball out of the park in baseball and the crowd always goes WILD...but in real life, I could never hit it out of a little league field...It's so fun getting caught up in video games and not having to think or care about anything-and to the extent we have now, where you're actually DOING it-is amazing! And the girl I created to be "Wendy" is so cute!!! Plus, I can change her every week if I wanted to! You're probably wondering, so what's your point? Well, I don't have a point! I just enjoy playing the Wii... No, but seriously, what if I would've just ended this blog like that,with no point!? Do you ever feel that's how it is when you talk to people? We have conversations every day and sometimes at the end of the day- it's like...What was the point? I hate that!!! I love spending time and talking to people that have a point or a purpose. Anybody can make conversation about anything-cool-but do you ever leave people with something to think about, other than your opinion? Do you ever give them some TRUTH even if it's hard for them to swallow? People are dying for TRUTH because that's what let's them know there is such a thing as Freedom! The Bible says, it's the TRUTH that sets people free! Not my truth, or your truth- but the TRUTH of God's Word. James 2:12-13 says, "Speak and Act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom. Because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!" I love that- that speaks volumes to me... I need to realize how I speak and act should be according to the law(God's Word)- but THIS law gives Freedom. We need to have more mercy than judgment. What does it mean to show mercy? Forgiving-even though someone doesn't deserve it! Do you deserve mercy? No, nobody deserves it-But it still can be given and received! I encourage you to be merciful toward others & that your conversations will have meaning and purpose as you speak God's truth.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


I couldn't resist using this picture today to talk about my topic-"With All Your Heart." I have 3 girls as most of you know...So how could I talk about doing things with all your heart and not include them!? My girls have my heart. I will always do my BEST for them. Plain and Simple. Part of doing my best for them is doing my Best for me! They are watching me every day and doing what I do-like it or not! Yesterday, in fact, Ava Grace (my youngest) was in the backseat watching me and I didn't realize it. But I was acting silly and doing some dance moves to the radio and I looked back and she was copying me! It was the cutest thing and made me feel so special! Every parent has an obligation to their children to do their BEST. If you can think back and remember your own childhood-can you remember thinking-"I wish they would smile more-so I could feel more comfortable? Or I wish they would give ME all of their attention, Or Why are they talking to me like I'm an adult?- These are things that are now in Our control! So am I smiling more at them, talking less about "adult" issues, and giving them 1-on-1 attention? These are the ways-we can say we are actually doing our BEST. There has to be some thought put into it! And then there has to be a change. Anyone can do this but as a Christian-it is so much better than that... We can pray and talk to our heavenly father and He will give us the wisdom and the strength we need to do what we think might be impossible! Colossians 3:23 says, "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men." As long as there is breath in our body- we need to be living every minute of every day as our BEST before the Lord. If we can commit to doing this- then our families will change, our health, our hearts, everything will be so much better. Putting Jesus Christ first is what makes the difference. What does your Best look like? Honestly, for me- this is something I struggle with and have always struggled with...I believe I don't do my best because that way, I never have to deal with the rejection of "what if my best wasn't good enough" but at the same time-it has left me empty-b/c I'm really curious what my best is? I think I'm finally at the point where I think I can "handle" doing my best and however it is received- it is received! I know I'm probably pretty old- to just now be figuring this out- but at least I'm still trying! I hope you will do your BEST today! Whatever is pleasing to the Lord and pleasing to You is the BEST. No one ever said life was going to be easy- the important thing is that you never give up! There is always something exciting and new to learn with Jesus! He has so much waiting for you...He gave His BEST, so it is time we give Him, ours. Rom. 12:11-12 says, "NEVER be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, & faithful in prayer." Please meditate on these words and let them sink deep into your spirit!!! They will bring you life!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Extra Weight, No Thanks!

Do you see what I see? The legs, rear, back, and arms don't look too bad...but what about that stomach?! I'm not trying to make fun in any way- please don't get me wrong...My point today is to talk about extra weight and the fact that it hinders us and slows us down. Hebrews 12:1-2 says "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily hinders our progress. And let us run with endurance the race that God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus." Even though there are people all around us, WE(personally) have to choose to not let anything or anyone cut in on our race. 1 Corinthians 9:24 says, "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize."

Everyday, it's easy to go through the motions of the day and not realize our lives are a RACE. Our race is against Time, basically. What all can we accomplish before we die...How much money can we make, how many movies can we watch, how many people can we help, how many "toys" can we buy, how many places can we travel to, how many races can we win? (You can add your own HOW MANY'S) What is the weight though in your life that is slowing you down? Maybe it is physical weight, but maybe it's fear? There are many things that can slow us down, but the Bible makes it clear and sums it up as SIN... Everyone runs in the race- so don't fool yourself to think that you're not in the race because you are! There's no way you can opt out of this Race.

People with self discipline are usually the happiest people I've known. Their body doesn't control them- they control it! There are a lot of things out of our control- but we do have control when it comes to how we're going to finish! We can choose to run with ENDURANCE (that means not giving up) or we can choose to sit on the sidelines. Even though we've got a number and are in the race, doesn't mean we HAVE to accomplish anything. Do you realize if you are not a christian- than that's the type of life you have? You have a number but your life is not effective. I didn't say your life was not worth anything, but You're just NOT going to win the race. It's not easy letting go of the weight! But if you are being hindered, why wouldn't you want to just let it go? You may not even realize it, but I pray that the Holy Spirit would reveal it to whoever is reading this blog.

We can do such a better job running the race when we've let go of our sin and THEN we can run with endurance. If we hold onto our sin, we will have a much harder time and who knows if we will even be able to finish! We can't see God if we have sin in our life! He is HOLY! He doesn't expect for us to be perfect, but he can expect to be surrounded in Heaven by those who Love him & who have accepted Jesus as our sin offering. Even with all the trophies or medals etc. I've won in this life- The ones I get in heaven are the ones that really matter. Because Jesus Christ is the One WORTH living for and those rewards will last FOREVER! Philippians 3:14 "So I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Dead girl

I thought I'd be more honest today than I've ever been in my blog...I'm gonna do my best and write straight from my heart! I wish I could express to whoever's reading this, the pain I've felt and suffered in my life. Not so you can feel sorry for me, but so you would know how amazing it is to know Jesus Christ! Many times the pain was so intense I just wanted to hit a wall or run away. The confusion was so great that at the age of 6, I could not fathom what was going on or why? It made no sense to me that my family was constantly in such turmoil or why we could never stay in one place longer than a couple years....I would establish friendships and then they would be ripped away from me. I would like where I lived or the house I lived in, and it was also gone in an instant. The pain of seeing my Mom drunk or high was unbearable or driving away from a visit with her in prison...Tears, tears, tears! I learned quickly that life was not a joke and I FELT pain! But after a while- you can only take so much pain and then what happens is you become numb. "No one's gonna ever hurt me like that again" or "I can't get close to people because somehow their not going to be able to stay in my life" On the outside I looked just like any ordinary girl. I tried to dress like everyone else, smile, and I was always popular. I knew how to fit in and I always did! I found though that there were very few people who understood me. Most people seemed "shallow" compared to what I had been through. I remember thinking-these girls would crack if they'd been through what I'd been through-if they get this upset over a guy...Inside though, I was longing for truth and for love! I knew my Savior Jesus and I had learned to depend on him. He was seriously, my best friend! I would call out to him as much as I needed to! He kept me safe and secure but I didn't know always how to make the best choices. I did the best I could but I still had to learn. I didn't want to learn the hard way, so I did my best learning from other's mistakes... but I didn't know how to love myself. See, I felt like all the messages I was getting was that I wasn't worth a whole lot b/c I was kind of having to fend for myself. I wasn't being protected from things by my parents-I was just thrown into the wolves. I had to "deal" with whatever situations they put me in. There was no thought or consideration as to what I wanted. But I was constantly trying to please them and be the daughter they wanted. Mainly, I lived that way because I wanted to please God. But again, inside I was angry at them. I had a lot of anger! I had dreams that no one was taking notice of Talents, ideas, and gifts that God had given me. I was taken for granted! I was living this "perfect" little life but it was never good enough. I WAS DYING!!! The layers of hurt were so deep, not even I knew how deep they were! Only God could heal me! Thank God, I didn't make things worse by choosing to drink, smoke, have an eating disorder, sexual issues, or any other type of vice. I just was messed up in my mind and heart! I didn't let anyone get close b/c I didn't want to feel- I didn't want to be manipulated any longer. I didn't want to listen to what people had to say b/c so much of what I had heard from others were lies or coverups! I just wanted peace and truth and joy and love.... I finally realized that Jesus Christ could give those things to me and I could hold on to those things and NOT let anything take them away from ME. It doesn't come from someone else. No one else will be able to make me feel joy, or loved or peaceful. I have to have those things INSIDE of me! Once I figured that out-the healing process began in my life. It used to be for short spurts, if I was around a peaceful person then I felt peace. Or if someone was really happy, than I was happy and so on....What Jesus has put in ME can not be taken away AND THAT'S A FACT! We have the choice! People, unknowingly and sometimes knowingly, bring us down...We have to stay grounded in the Word though and what Jesus says about us! It's unbearable to think about what goes on in this world we live in today! People are hurting all around us-Totally Lost and DEAD on the inside-just like I was. But now I have something to offer b/c I'm not living as a slave to sin-I'm free! I don't just have "religion" I have a changed heart and mind. I have to renew my mind though EVERY DAY! I also feel it's my duty to help others see the truth in me! I thank God I have compassion for others and that my heart goes out to people every day. I may not be able to talk to everyone but I do pray for them. It's a miracle that my heart is not hardened and I'm not a tough old bird! I'm so thankful to Jesus Christ. He saved me and set me free-just like his Word says he can do! That simple belief in Him is what's saved my life! Galatians 5:1 "It was for freedom that Christ set us free therefore KEEP standing firm and do not be subject AGAIN to a yoke of slavery." What do YOU need today? Unconditional Love, acceptance, freedom, peace? If those things sound good to you-then you need Jesus Christ! All it takes is a simple prayer of faith-believing that a far away God can be as close as you need him to be! He wipes away our past and forgives us like it never even happened- No one else will be able to give you that! You can spend your whole life looking for something you'll never find- OR you can choose to lay everything down and Let Him lead you!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

To Be Or Not To Be!

That is the Question!? The Lord gave me this title for my blog and also led to me to the book of James. A few months ago, my girls memorized James chapter 4 as part of "Bible class". (My girls are homeschooled for anyone who does not know.) It was actually pretty funny to listen to them quoting these scriptures, especially vs. 8: Wash your hands, you filthy sinners... I can't imagine my innocent girls refering to themselves as filthy sinners but the truth is they are- just like we all are! But as we get to an age of accountability, we learn we have CHOICES.
Do you have desires that battle within you? You want something but don't get it- there's where the choice comes in...Are you going to fight and quarrel to get your way or are you going to trust God- to work it out? Vs.2 says, "You do not have b/c you do not ASK God" It's a choice to seek God regarding the matters of your life! And taken even further- it says "if you do ask, but ask with WRONG motives- (selfish motives) you will not receive... God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Humble people are thinking about God and how they can please Him! TO BE OR NOT TO BE? How can we be humble? By resisting the devil (vs.7) & SUBMITING to God. It's not easy but if we at least TRY and go to God with our lives- he will be near to us and help us! We want to be lifted up by Man & be noticed by others- but how much better is it to be noticed by God? Who else is there when your all alone? Who causes your boss to give you that raise? God is in control!!! God is the One who is in charge- NOT us!!! He is the only lawgiver and judge- NOT us! He is the Only one who is able to Save or to Destroy- NOT us! Vs. 14 says, " You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes" Wow- Big stuff!!! We are given so much, what are you choosing to do with what you've been given? Are you making a difference by your sweet smile or patient attitude? Are you persevering through trials or are you bringing lots of others down with you because of your bad and "poor me" attitude? What is motivating you today? The Spirit of God that's inside of you or your flesh? It IS a battle and always will be! But my favorite pastor, George Sawyer, once taught me- that whichever dog you feed, is the one that's gonna grow! Wisdom comes from God & if you ask him ANYTHING today-out of a sincere heart, he will hear you! Choose TO BE a follower of Jesus- Or Choose Not TO BE a follower of Jesus- run your own show and see where that gets you...You will be empty- I guarantee it! Don't be deceived! Give him a chance today to RULE your heart and mind!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Some Things Never Change!

When you look at this picture does it give you the image of a good night's sleep? Last night, I borrowed my daughter Savannah's sleeping mask & I slept better than I have in centuries! I couldn't believe how well it worked for me & of course I had a harder time getting up this morning...I started thinking about my day and what I wanted to write in my blog & there it was lying on the bed right in front of me-The Mask! I realized that The Mask helped to keep what I wanted (obviously the light) out, which was a good thing! A lot of times we hear about people wearing "masks" and it's a negative thing. I think it boils down to knowing WHEN to wear the mask. It would not benefit me at all to wear that mask while I was awake or what about driving? -that actually could end up killing me! But to wear it at night to keep out what I don't want, works well. It also might be a good idea to put the mask on at times we need to keep garbage out- like at Blockbuster! We should research & know what we're looking for (a nice clean movie) ahead of time & go straight in and get it, instead of loittering (ha) and filling our minds with a bunch of sleezy junk!!! How many other examples could you think of where a mask would work wonders?! The Bible says in 2 Cor.4:18 To Fix our eyes NOT on what is seen but on what is unseen. (kinda like wearing a mask) For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. We get so caught up in what we see but these things have no lasting value- our looks change, our whereabouts change, our homes are depreciating...etc...But the Truth of God's WORD NEVER changes! His freedom doesn't either- it LASTS FOREVER! You may be saying, How could His freedom last forever? I'm saying His Word tells me it does, so no matter what I see- I am still FREE, no matter how I feel, I am still Free, no matter what I think or anyone else tells me, contrary to the Word of God, I AM STILL FREE!!! Halelujah, I'm getting excited right now- because in my spirit- I know I'm free. As christians, we can not allow anyone else to have any say when it comes to that- I don't care what kind of bad attitudes surround you- YOU are still free! Put that mask on & ignore it! You can still smile while wearing the mask...ha,ha! But Do me one favor!? Don't wear The Mask to hide my Jesus! Let him shine before men so they may see your good deeds & glorify our Father in Heaven! He is Worthy to be praised! Let's not judge others any longer- Let's focus on Wearing our Masks at the right time! We know our purpose- This World needs Hope and so do we! That Hope is found in Jesus Christ ALONE and nothing else. Take any opportunity you can, to SHINE!!! Loving others and Loving yourself is the best way to shine. The only way we're gonna get that Love is by spending time with the One who loves us more than anything. Let me remind you: His love is deep, and wide, and long and far and is available to you at any moment! His peace passes all understanding, His grace is sufficient! Can you trust in that today? Or will you forget by this afternoon or maybe 3 days from now? What does it take for us to be captured by His love? It is the ONLY thing I personally have had to hold on to in life! My childhood was extremely uncertain and unclear & gave me a rough start BUT He has been my guiding light & I'll tell you what- He's not finished with me yet! (No self help books could have rescued me from the Hell I endured) JESUS ALONE, DESERVES ALL THE CREDIT!!!!! Once you give your heart to someone-it's pretty hard to change that? If they don't have your heart- they'll know, because you'll leave them-We freely make that choice. In my opinion, there's no such thing as "falling out of love" either you never really loved them with your heart in the first place or selfishly you want something "better"? Is there anything "better" than Jesus? We will always make mistakes-but does your heart QUICKLY want to make things right with the Lover of your Soul? I encourage you to SEEK JESUS today to find out when you need to put that Mask on & when you need to take it off!!!???

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So, why are you still here?

You may be wondering why I titled this blog post-"So, why are you still here?" My sweet friend Kim Baker Schrandt died from breast cancer last Wednesday at the age of 35 (I believe)....I haven't spoken to Kim since college but I knew her. I knew her love for Jesus, her smile and love of life, her love of family and friends. She was a woman of faith and knew what she believed! She was the epitomy of health. Young & beautiful with 5 children. I was shocked and deeply saddened to hear the news....Although, I have another dear friend who I talk to quite often who spoke to Kim every day. Jodi would keep me up to date on Kim. Last summer Kim gave her testimony at her mother's church about how God had healed her from breast cancer. I believe she was diagnosed 2 years ago but didn't have any symptoms and just after the birth of her 5th child, she started getting sick and by the time she found out what it was, it was too late....Jodi told me of how Kim never even mentioned the cancer. She had faith in God and that was that!!! I admire Kim for her faith and her love for Jesus. She could've easily taken chemo or radiation and the result could've been the same,different, or she could've done what she did! She made a decision to trust God and put her faith in Him. She had the kind of relationship with Jesus Christ, that was a two way street...she would talk to him and He would speak to her! How many people just go through the motions and would not even think twice about going to the doctor. It might not even be a thought to believe for God's healing. Not even a question. Is our God a personal God that has a specific plan for our lives? Or do we even know Him or what He has for us personally! The day after Kim passed, I got a call from Jodi and we were believing for Kim, that God could even raise her from the dead! Not for our benefit, but for His! He wants the glory and the honor in everything we do! This topic is debatable-but life is not debatable. Do you feel good about the choices your making for Jesus Christ every day? If you came down with a disease that left you with no hope- what would you do? Is God in control? Do we trust that? What an unbelievable thing, to die knowing you were leaving this earth while putting 100% faith in Jesus Christ! Do you believe that if God wanted her to be here, she still would be?! We all have convictions-but do we live by them? Who am I to question your convictions-but if YOU don't live by your convictions, what are you living for? I want to be the type of person who lives by my convictions and those come from the Word of God. We all know right from wrong- but life is about more than that! We each have a purpose! As a christian, that purpose is HUGE-we never know how we will affect others for Jesus Christ by the way we live our lives....And Kim Baker has shown me that her love for Jesus was not a show- She loved him with her life! Thank You Kim!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lies vs. Truth

What would you rather have
lies that make you smile or truth
that makes you cry?
Wow, I just came across this statement on the internet, and thought I had to use it as my "Topic" of the day! Isn't it so great to smile and feel good?....Most of us, would go to great lengths to do whatever it takes to accomplish that! I mean look at all the "fat" people in our society- do you think they enjoy looking that way? NO, but food makes them "feel" good- so if they have to eat 5 bags of M&M's to be satisfied, then that's what it takes. (Just so you know, I've been there, I tipped the scales at almost 200 lbs when I was pregnant with my last child) What about people that jump around from relationship to relationship, why do they do this? Because they want to "feel" good and as soon as there is some discomfort and it's not dealt with and leads to more discomfort then it gets to be too much, creating a need to move on to something good or better! Or what about a teenager who wants to believe their parent loves them (because they make them smile by occasionally giving them a $20) It's a temporary "feel good" but it doesn't fill the void long enough! Truth hurts!!! But so do lies!!!
I am personally at the point in my life, that I HAVE to have the truth...Whether it hurts me or makes me smile!!! I would much rather smile with the truth, but bottom line is- I've got to have the truth! I've found out a long time ago, that I can't expect the truth always from others, just like they can't always expect it from me! Not that people are trying to hurt us or lie intentionally, but sometimes we don't even know ourselves, what the truth is for us and how we really feel. I think it is our responsibility though, to know or find out what we think and feel and we owe that to ourselves and others! People that do not want to take a look at themselves or at their world around them, are not contributing like they should! Every one of us has a right to know who we are and what we believe. Those who live out that right based on the Word of God are living in TRUTH! Those who know who they are and what they believe and are not living according to the Word of God are living a LIE! That's as simple as it gets....
Jesus Christ is the WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE! What do you believe people? People on this earth can hurt you left and right, but when you know the TRUTH- that you're loved by Jesus Christ and spend time getting your love from Him- you will be okay! Your needs WILL be met and then you will have something to give to others! When we look to other things or people to fill any voids then we are setting ourselves up and the joke is on us!
I don't want to be the devil's puppet! How about you? You may think I'm coming on strong but oh well, I love being "in your face" because I know that not many people are these days.....I want to encourage you that by seeking Jesus and His righteousness-He will take care of you and supply all your needs! You are Never Alone.....
What will you choose to believe today- Lies that make you smile/Lies that make you cry or Truth that makes you cry/Truth that makes you smile????? TRUTH always wins! Trust in Truth today!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Great Escape

I have to admit, I can not stand Alice in Wonderland...actually it makes me crazy! I hate the feeling of being lost in "la-la land". As hard as I try sometimes to's never been easy for me to do. I have a conscience that works overtime so I guess you could say I have to be pretty careful with what I do and know for sure that I'm making a choice I can live with for the rest of my life, or else I just can't do it! What kinds of things do we want to escape from? Dishes, ha,ha! Deadlines, grumpy people, responsibilities in general...Whatever it is- what helps us? These days there are pills for everything, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, counselors, books, hypnosis, & on and on! What we're looking for is something to satisfy us and get our mind off of these "earthly" things. The bible says, "Be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Our minds have to be renewed by the Word of God. It's not the "stuff" that needs to change- it's our minds and how we think about the lives we live every day! Anybody can escape but what good is it, if you come back to things just the way they were!? We need to store up for ourselves treasures in heaven not earthly treasures. What we're shooting for is a life with someone who cares about us more than anyone on earth could EVER care about us! The bible says, God's love for us is deep and wide and long and nothing could ever seperate us from it! His word is what gives us peace and when we live by His standards we actually are more free than bound.... We tend to think of rules as binding and hard to follow but the MORE we follow God's laws the better we feel. There are so many opposite ways of thinking when it comes to God's words. Love your enemies, be good to those who despitefully use you, when you are weak-He is strong in you, wait on the Lord...etc. etc. These are all things that we are not learning from our society. We can only find this wisdom from God! How could anyone LOVE their enemies? And why would they want to? Especially if we knew someone was using us on purpose? Or how could we be strong when we're weak? Who even wants to admit that they're weak in the first place, let alone to God? And lastly, who has time to WAIT for anything? What good does it do to "wait" on the Lord? If there's anything we need to FOCUS on it's the Lord. We can give our bosses, our friends, family, whoever our 100% attention so why can't we give it to God? I have a profound answer....because we can't see him! You have to Trust that He's listening to you and that He cares, and that He has The answer you need! Could you try and "find" Him today, or maybe I should say get "lost" in Him today!!!??? He's there, I promise you that! I've found Him many times-funny thing is, it was Every time I was looking for Him. He comes to us in different ways...sometimes it was through a peaceful feeling, or an encouraging word from someone else, or a song, or a word straight from Him to my heart! Mainly it will be straight from The good ole' Bible... How bad do you need your Savior? He doesn't play games or hard to get-He has Perfect Love-just for you-can you receive His love? If not, you need to find out why? He's even kind enough to show you...
Wendy's Wednesday Favorites:
Can't help that last fave...I just loved the name-Makayla!!!
My favorite pastor in the world: George Sawyer! Please check it out!
More famous love quotes:
One last one...just a funny blooper that was in a bulletin at church...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Promise

The title to this blog has been running through my head for a couple weeks now....actually I think I need to use it as a sermon. What does it really mean these days to say "I Promise?" In our society it means NOTHING. It's just something to say like blah,blah,blah... We don't even expect people to hold true to what they say. We know when someone runs for office- it's like we understand that it's their "job" to how are they gonna win if they don't tell the people what they "want" to hear? I mean c'mon! And unfortunately a lot of times the people that DO keep their promises are taken for granted and not really appreciated because there's no riff or trouble and things just go smooth. We love controversy! We love action and drama, don't we? Life gets a little too boring when people just do what their supposed to do! Is there such a thing as supposed to do though? Not in my opinion. To me, there are CHOICES. We're not just programed like robots to do certain things just because someone tells us to do something- I better do it, because I'm supposed to...No, I need to do in my heart what I know is right and because of my love for Jesus Christ! That is the basis of why I make the choices I do! It is PROOF to him that we love him! There is no proof in what we say! (Talk can be cheap.) Following God's word is always right! How we handle every situation in our life though is not always clear because we are individuals and life gets tricky but anyone though who has enough character to keep their promises is usually better off than those who don't. Yes, we make mistakes but could you say even 90% of the time you do keep your promises? Or is it more like 50/50? Who is important enough in your life to keep your promises with? Your spouse, your children, your boss, your co-workers, your lenders, your church leaders, anyone in your family, your God? Why is I Promise so important? After all there just words.....but with a little action or proof behind them, they make the difference between Love vs. No Love....Keeping your promises is showing Love! What could be more important than Love? Don't forget, we were Made To Love!!!! And take note of the people who are in your life making a continual CHOICE to keep their promises to you- those are the people who love you- Thank them today and please don't take them for granted!!!! Most of all we need to thank our Savior Jesus Christ who is the best example of someone keeping their promise! Did he do what he said? Wow, AMAZING REAL. DEAL LOVE!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus for the hope in all of your promises!

Now for my Wendy's Wednesday favorites:
this top is adorable for $15
would go great with these jeans
Mother's Day gift ideas
check out this site: it has something for every Mom
or if your looking for a great new album and you like cutting edge christian music, this one's for you
i love watching people encounter Jesus
last but not least- My Very Favorite!
Have an Wonderful Wednesday!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Wendy's Wednesday

Good Morning! Have you ever heard that saying, "Today is the first day to the rest of your life" How cool to think, that every day we get a new shot at life. And today is a gift we get from God to make it whatever we like. It's so easy to get into ruts and certain ways of thinking but I encourage you to try and think out of the box today, and do some things you've never done before, but always wanted to. I think I'm gonna call the dentist and find out how much it costs to have my teeth zoomed (whitened). I have been drinking more coffee lately and the effects on my teeth are definitely not desirable. How about giving God at least 15 minutes in prayer. Believe me, the time will fly faster than you could imagine. He really cares about you and wants you to have a good day! He is for us, not against us! It is a beautiful sunny day here in GA, what about where you live? What could you do outdoors today? It is so good to take walks, ride bikes, etc... to get out and just relax. This past weekend I went for about a 5 mile bike ride with my family and afterwards I realized how much fun it really was! When we clear our heads of all the normal things that fill it, we finally have a chance to think's good to do that! I try and do it about once a month or so! So, what's it gonna be? Are you gonna have a Wild and Wacky, Wonderful Wednesday? Or a Wasted Wednesday?

So here are some of my faves this week:

This is a great dress for shopping or just doing whatever...

and I love this cute little black purse

or how about this one called "housewife handbag" (ha,ha)

on a note of giving(that always makes you feel better) how about checking this site out?

or you could help my daughters out by supporting their new "business adventure"

They are designing jewelry and accessories for other girls....they'll even do custom orders! Be sure to check it out!
Here's the Verse of the Day: (Totally goes along with my blog- how awesome is that?!)
And my last favorite of the day of course has to be lip balm-HA!!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wendy's Wednesday!

I am so excited to be started Wendy's Wednesday today.....Every Wednesday from now on will be filled with all my favorite things. Please share your comments with me as well! I appreciate your feedback. The purpose of my blog is to reach out to all you women/girls out there who have a heart for Jesus Christ and want to glorify Him in everything you do....Just because you're a christian does not mean you have to wear turtlenecks every day, wear your hair in a bun, or speak in King James Version. It means being your own special, unique person that God created you to be with your own style and serving Jesus while doing it! His standards are high, so ours should be too! We are to be "set apart" but what that means is having a relationship with Jesus-following his word and the CONVICTION of the Holy Spirit....If He is speaking something to you; you'll know it! (& funny thing is- he might not be speaking it to me) I believe in absolute truth...what I'm saying here though is- we have to be close enough to Him to know what He wants us to do in every situation. We can't rely on what others tell us, can we? We have to read His word and trust in what it says, and obey it- even if we feel like it or not!

Phew, I feel much better now that I got all that off my chest! HA,HA!!! Well, here they are...I hope you enjoy your Wednesday!!!!! This is a great devotional for the day or maybe you'd like this one I love making jewelry with my daughters and this site is a great tool Another great craft idea Here is a romantic movie top 20 list with clips Here are some "LOVE" quotes; And what about your flair for fashion? What about
love these earrings
See you later & Be Loved!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009


I had to say GREAT b/c it's better than GOOD. There actually are no words to describe what our Savior has done for us! It is so wonderful to be a christian and to know the Power of Jesus Christ! Power to save, heal, deliver & set free. I am so thankful for him and thankful to God for giving us Jesus! As women, we need to rely heavily on him to take care of us and meet our needs! He is waiting for us to come to him and get filled up! We go to so many other "places" when he is just a prayer away...I have been feeling like I am in a wilderness's the strangest thing. I know, it's at these times He wants me to come close to him and draw water from his well and drink from his cup...I am sooo thirsty and He does have what I need. He fills me up and gives me joy and takes me where I need to go next! I am led by His hand and I trust where He is leading me. I want my life & all that that encompasses to be directed by My Father, Savior, Best Friend, and Lover of my soul. He is worth talking about, loving on, studying, living for, etc....Whenever things happen that frustrate me like my children not obeying me right away, or my husband not giving me what I need or have asked for, or not "having it all" like I think I deserve, then I have to go to my Savior and share these things...No one can change someone else- I've learned that over the years by thinking I could change someone or "help" them. Only the HOLY SPIRIT can change a heart & I have to ask him on a continual basis to change mine! But He is able to do so! I'm so glad we don't have to stay the same and that miracles can happen. Even if it seems small like allowing Him to come in and make a change in our lives is actually a HUGE miracle! Thank you Jesus for dying and giving me a chance to have Eternal Life! I know in a small way what freedom is, but I'm glad that at least I'll have the chance to know TOTAL FREEDOM & PURE JOY when I get to heaven and get to see the love in your eyes....Thank you for taking care of everything that concerns me! You have been faithful to me above all else and I praise your name!!! You are the Way, the Truth, and Life and No one comes to the Father except through You! Have a GREAT, GOOD FRIDAY! Have a Happy Easter-decorating eggs, baking cookies, hanging out with family and friends, enjoying nice Spring weather and celebrating JESUS!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

How far can you swim?

When I saw this quote, I had to add it to my blog! It's SO true! How many people do you know that take the hard route? It's not very common and also people look at ya kinda funny when you seem to be "chasing" something....There's just something so "not" cool about that! I want to be that kind of person-that is so determined that I go for what God wants me to go for 1st of all, and also the goals I set for myself! It's so much easier when we get encouragement from others, but that's not always gonna happen. You have to know what's "in the boat"! And it needs to be so worth it-otherwise what's the point!? What is worth it? Money, well that doesn't seem to fulfill long enough-especially if you're alone. Shallow relationships-nope-almost as bad as being alone!!! An AWESOME, totally in-shape body-nope-constant worry that you're gonna lose it one day! Well, I think ya get the point....If you are going to go through all the trouble of swimming out to the boat-It would pretty much need to be a guarantee or do you just need the exercise? I have found a TREASURE & His name is Jesus Christ. He is a guarantee and I'm never alone! I can talk to Him about anything, anytime and when I climbed on board, I was able to stay. I didn't have to get off or I wasn't thrown off....He's been steady!!! He's REAL and how you feel about that doesn't change that FACT! Ships Ahoy!

Ghosts of the Past!

still working on my blog! Wish I had more time to put into it than I do! Today I'm taking my girls to a Turner Field "field" trip- ha! We are excited...It would be even better if we could meet some of the players, but I doubt that's gonna happen. Last night, I had a great conversation with my cousin, Donna as usual. We were talking about generational curses. She said she had recently been prayed/prophecied over. I know from experience usually when I've been prophecied over, it's something that is confirmed. They didn't tell her things she never knew, but it just made her more AWARE of how the enemy has tried to deceive in our particular family. It's important to stay in a place of being Aware. It's not always easy to do either because we'd rather close our eyes many times than to face things, isn't that true? But how about the flip side...Wouldn't it be even Better if we were more AWARE of what God was doing in our lives and how he was working then constantly seeing the devil around every corner. I would encourage you today to focus on Jesus Christ!!! We have All authority in Jesus Name- it's not a fight between good and evil- like they are equal!? Jesus Christ has all the power which overrides the bad. We OVERCOME evil with good-the Bible says. Be an Overcomer today- You Can Do It!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

What is Love?

Good Morning! Yes, I actually painted my nails and it's not even 8:00am...Amazing! I am so proud of myself for doing that! It may seem small, but for me to do something for MYSELF is Huge!!! Today I'm going to try and see if I can hook up a video/picture to my blog...Wish me well!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Can I do it?

Well, what can I say in 5 minutes? Wow, this is the fastest I've ever typed. I only have a short amount of time so here it goes...I haven't been on here for a while due to my oldest daughter piercing a handlebar into her stomach and having to go to the ER. Two of my daughters have started soccer and 1 is playing Tennis. Hence, my excuse....Blah! How many of you bloggers out there have the same things and more going on but somehow you can fit in your "blogging". I am tired of having excuses. I am commited to blogging because this is something I started and really want to do! Usually I can talk a person's head off, so hopefully I can do just as well at this! I am trying to get the details worked out on my page so it will allow you to go to other sites from my page. There is alot I want to share regarding LOVE and how to be loved. It's pretty simple- all you have do is read I Corinthians chapter 13. It's easy to read but understanding it, is a whole different level...All I know is it's something I want to experience every day! What about you? How have you been loved today? How have you loved yourself today? I wanted to paint my nails and I promised myself I would, but here I am ready for bed and still no fancy nails. Isn't it easy to put ourselves off as Mothers. Here it goes, I am going to love myself tomorrow and paint them first thing! (giggles)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

St. Patricks Day w/ an Interesting Twist ~

Yesterday started out in the normal way: waking girls up, getting breakfast ready, preparing lessons, feeding the dog, having devotions,etc....Everything was going pretty smooth UNTIL my 10 year old tells me that she heard a commercial on the radio about "sex" and wondered what that meant? Once in a while something will come up about it, and we've tried to steer clear of it- but basically said something like"It's something God designed for marriage b/t a husband and wife." So then she says, "Is it uncomfortable" and I'm like what do you mean? And she didn't know what she meant- I could just see her trying to figure "it" out but didn't know what "it" was....I just basically told her, the physical part of "it" that a man has sperm and the women has ovaries and when they come together, that's how a baby is born and why God designed it that way.... So, her next question was, "Do you have to throw up together or something like that?" I just about DIED laughing- it was too cute!
Besides that, it was an eventful day b/c my girls were excited about St. Patricks Day! We all headed up to Walmart and bought a bunch of Irish goods....Now when I was a kid, I could've cared less about it- but I'm not Irish. My husband IS Irish, so they take it very seriously that since THEIR Irish, we have to celebrate! I didn't have a whole lot of time- so I made corned beef and cabbage sandwiches for dinner & lime green sherbet w/ 7-Up floats topped w/ whipped cream and a cherry for dessert. They loved it except for my little one. She gave her float to me, so my conclusion is she must not have as much "Irish" in her.

Monday, March 16, 2009

My Recent Trip to the Mountains of TN-Discovering Life!

What an awesome name of a church- Discover Life! I had the privilege of speaking at a ladies conference in Kingsport,TN. A friend of mine from Bible College invited me and I can't put into words what a BLESSING it was! I was able to share "In Order for Jesus to truly be #1 in our lives, The Lies Have Got to Go!" Us women struggle w/ believing lies every day. We need to be more mindful of what comes into our head & not so quick to allow it to stay and believe it as truth! If something is contrary to the Word of God- it's a lie...What lies are you believing today? Is it really doing you any good to believe those things? What God says about you is The only truth you need! He says he planned on you being here on the planet- he said he knows the number of hairs on your head- he said he came to give you life and life more abundantly-better than you could ever imagine! Are you settling or are you believing the TRUTH? I don't care what you struggle w/-anything can be overcome with God's power!!! I struggled my whole life w/ insecurities and fears that caused me to be bound, even as a is finally donning on me-to believe the truth!!! It will show up in your behavior and the way you "live" your life! I encourage you to do something you've never done before.....Have a little faith- it will get you a LONG way! It is the key that will unlock that door! :-) HAVE A FAITH-FILLED DAY! Be free in Jesus Name!

Friday, February 6, 2009

How many hours are there in a day?

Well, it's Friday morning and another exciting adventure awaits me! Life's always an adventure when you're raising children! Homeschooling, piano practice, making meals, friends, concerts, and bible study all this weekend! WOO-HOO!!! What is the best way to start off with all this madness, I ask myself!!!! Well, first I need to keep the main thing the main thing- I need to spend some time with my Creator and my Savior! Once I have done that somehow my priorities seem to line up and I feel at peace because I know my life is in His hands! It puts a smile on my face and that makes my heart feel glad!!!!
Next, I write my list of things to do and start checking em' off....That's the FUN part! Are ya rolling with me? You get a sense of accomplishment that way! I always feel good at the end of the day when I actually see my to do list with a line through each item!
Now, the key to an even BETTER day is having a good attitude while I am checking things off...I have to choose to take time to smile and make my children laugh or notice special things they do. Am I living in the moment or is my mind always preoccupied? What about my thoughts, feelings, and actions- are they all working "together"???? That is HUGE!!!!
Just something to think about- hope you've been encouraged!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wow, that was easy!

How exciting! I am writing my first official blog! I am looking forward to having a place to share ideas, insights, and anything else I find interesting!!! When I have read other's blogs in the past; I am always inspired by those who have been truly reflective and honest in what they have to say. I can't stand run of the mill cleshay's (or however you spell that word) Every person is unique but only when they have done some soul searching and know what they really think and feel. I don't want to hear what you think I do- I want to hear what you really think and feel...
So hopefully, you will feel the same....